Start by becoming aware of the bad habit and identifying what triggers it. Is it stress, boredom, certain people, or environments?
Instead of vague goals like "I want to stop eating junk food," set clear, measurable goals such as "I will eat healthy meals 5 days a week." Break your goal into smaller, manageable steps.
Instead of simply trying to stop the bad habit, replace it with a positive one. For example, if you're trying to stop smoking, replace the habit with deep breathing exercises or chewing gum.
According to Charles Duhigg's habit loop framework, habits consist of a cue, routine, and reward. Identify each part of the loop for your bad habit and tweak it to change behavior.
Reward yourself each time you successfully avoid the bad habit or replace it with a good one. Small rewards, like treating yourself to a favorite activity or acknowledging your progress, can motivate you to stay on track.