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Dr. Maja Zelihic: A Profound Leader Dedicated to Create a Better World
Arriving in the land of opportunity in 1996 as a refugee, Maja Zelihic went through
Yanna Winter: Transforming the IT Infrastructure of the Insurance Industry
For the past few years, the insurance industry has made great strides towards transforming digitally.
Wendy Redshaw: The Powerful VOICE of Leadership
The “Digital Future” leader simultaneously drives forward significant shifts in delivery of digital outcomes for
Lynda Aphing – Kouassi: Sculpting YOUR Life with Excellence
Failures are part of life; however, facing a failure and picking up oneself to thrive
John Baldoni: Assisting YOU to Find Your Purpose
The quote goes, “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For
Farrah E. Smith: Living a Life of Purpose and Passion
The purpose of life is to live a life with a purpose. When Farrah E.