2024 will See a Continued Trend in Moonlighting, Quiet Resigning, and Wrath Applying: Poll


Taylor (not her real name), 28, became enraged and started applying for jobs online after realizing she had to balance her multiple responsibilities at an e-commerce company with a 2.5-hour daily commute.

The practice of applying to as many jobs as one can in an attempt to vent mounting displeasure is known as “rage applying.”

“Last-minute activities or circumstances required me to expedite my workouts on a regular basis. Even on the weekends, it would take up all of my thoughts,” stated the marketing manager, who asked not to be identified by her own name so as not to jeopardize her chances of getting hired in the future.

Before long, she was fully utilizing LinkedIn’s Easy Apply feature, which enables users to apply to job posts instantly by uploading their resume and having their saved responses automatically filled in.
Taylor claimed, “I applied to every job that even vaguely related to my industry and job scope; I spammed them all.” “I even made contact with previous networks to hunt for openings.”
Every day, she applied to ten jobs on average, and it took her less than ten minutes to finish each one.
Not just Taylor believes that fury has its advantages.

In a poll of 1,211 workers in Singapore, the job portal Indeed.com discovered that 14% of workers are more likely to apply furiously this year, which is double the 7% number from 2023.

Additional findings from the study, which was made public on Tuesday, January 23, showed that 18% of respondents said they planned to moonlight this year, indicating that this practice is expected to be popular in the workplace well into 2024.

Additionally, the poll revealed that silent resigning would persist in 2024, with 14% of participants more inclined to do so this year.

In order to understand the attractiveness of these trends and whether there are any potential negative effects for people who engage in them, TODAY spoke with human resource (HR) professionals. Rage applying, moonlighting, and silent quitting are predicted to dominate in 2024.