Creating a Climate of Showing Gratitude at Workplaces

Showing Gratitude

Just a Thank You!

Not all leaders are comfortable with thanking when handling people, especially teams. When it comes to goals, processes, and outcomes, the people factor of demonstrating gratitude may be overlooked. However, showing gratitude is an ability that leaders can learn and pass on this quality to their juniors. At times of conflict, leaders can look for opportunities, and then express gratitude to the team.

Appreciation Strengthens Morale

Although some leaders might find it inconceivable to ask— “Why should leaders thank others for doing their work?” Appreciation strengthens morale and prevents high turnover. Sometimes, leaders remain attentive only when any employee misbehaves. Instead of this, when leaders in a particular organization express gratitude more often; the workers in that organization report fewer complaints and are more productive within weeks. Employees feel valued and relieved about their work.

In an era when the average customer retention period is of huge concern, gratitude does count.

Appreciate Employees

Appreciative leaders see more turnover. While people are in a workplace, receive monetary wages for the work they do. However, they also need to be appreciated. In this way, by actively focusing on positive things, the leaders make sure that people do not feel anxious when they pay attention in difficult conditions. Lastly, it means that even such basic forms of appreciation can significantly enhance organizational climate and productivity.

A Healthy Culture

A healthy culture Sparks good results. In contrast, again, the negative organizational culture makes the organization worse. Leading organizations have found that between 10-30% of an organization’s financial results can be attributed to the quality of the workplace environment. Managers are on the front line when it comes to influencing this organizational culture and the employee’s experience.

It is very possible for leaders to drastically enhance the morale, engagement and productivity levels of employees simply by demonstrating gratitude and appreciation. As basic as it may seem, one can go the extra mile in words such as complimenting accomplishments, sending thank you notes, or even giving shout-outs in front of others can go a long way in making part and parcel of the full package of package of employee benefits and satisfaction. Finally, encouraging a positive environment based on pride is beneficial in times of company culture and corporation profits. One of the key dynamic tools leaders need to consider using is appreciation.

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