How Can You Get Started as an Entry-Level Bookkeeper?

Entry-Level Bookkeeper
Entry-Level Bookkeeper

Did you know that there are over 478,783 certified public accountants currently employed in the United States?

A job as an entry-level bookkeeper is a start for you. Even if you only have a high school education, you can take the first steps toward managing accounts and keeping the books for a company.

The first step? Keep reading for our complete guide to becoming an entry-level bookkeeper.

Get Some Education and Training

If you want to get started being a bookkeeper, the first thing you need to do is get some education and training. Start by researching online the various accreditations available and the advantages of each.

Consider the more areas bookkeeping covers, such as budgeting, forecasting, auditing, cash flow, and more. Pursue a diploma or even certification in the field depending on your preferenceMany reputable colleges offer affordable and flexible online accounting degree programs, which are definitely something to consider if you’re thinking about a career in bookkeeping.


Creating and sticking to a budget may seem like a daunting task, but it’s essential for any bookkeeper, no matter their experience level. By being mindful of your finances and making smart choices about where to spend your money, you’ll be well on your way to success in this field.


Forecasting is a basic element of bookkeeping jobs. It allows you to predict future income and expenses so that you can make informed decisions about your business finances.


Auditing is a critical component of accounting and is often one of the first things that new bookkeepers learn. Auditing involves reviewing financial records to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. It is a critical part of maintaining the integrity of financial statements and can help prevent fraud and errors.

Cash Flow

As an entry-level bookkeeper, one of your primary responsibilities will be to ensure that the company’s cash flow is healthy. This means tracking all the money coming in and going out and being able to forecast future cash needs.

It is also important to stay familiar and up-to-date with the industry’s changing regulations, tools, and technology. Networking with people in the industry, attending meetings, and joining clubs can also help to improve your knowledge of the field.

Find a Company That Is Willing to Train You

If you want to get started as an entry-level bookkeeper, you need to first find a company that will provide you with the training. The best way to do this is to search job postings online and apply for any positions that mention training as part of finding a job.

Consider applying to jobs as an apprenticeship that helps new bookkeepers develop your skills. Becoming a bookkeeper requires training in bookkeeping methods and financial software. You should also need to highlight any prior experience with these kinds of programs to stand out from the other applicants.

Many small businesses are always in need of good bookkeepers and are often willing to train someone with little experience. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and gain some valuable experience.

Consider Freelancing

Many bookkeepers choose to freelance on the side, as it offers flexibility and can help you gain more experience. To get started as a freelance bookkeeper, you should create a list of the services you will offer and determine your pricing. You must also make sure you are comfortable using bookkeeping software, such as QuickBooks.

You should also look into obtaining a certification to increase your chances of getting hired. Once you have your services and pricing listed, start advertising and promoting yourself. Additionally, networking with accounting experts and reaching out to possible clients.

Word of mouth is often an effective way to find new clients and make sure that you deliver a quality service. Freelancing as an entry-level bookkeeper can help you build an enterprise that can take your bookkeeping career to the next level.

Stay Organized and Keep Good Records

Getting started as an entry-level bookkeeper requires staying organized and keeping good records. Start by setting up a filing system. Create folders labeled with respective clients and categories, such as invoices, bank statements, reports, etc. Then, record the data from each month, such as incoming deposits, outgoing payments, and all other relevant financial information.

Additionally, create an accounting spreadsheet and input data from your relevant documents, such as vendor bills, cash receipts, and expense reports. This will help you maintain the accuracy of your transactions and cut down on the time it takes to finish the books.

Lastly, set aside a few days each month to review reports, journal entries, budgets, and reconciliations. This will ensure you stay organized and all records are accurate.

As a bookkeeper, you must stay organized and keep accurate records. This will make your job much easier and ensure that your clients are happy with your work.

Keep Learning and Expanding Your Skillset

As an entry-level bookkeeper, it is important to keep learning and expanding your skills. The best way to get started is to take classes or complete a certification program that covers the basic concepts of bookkeeping and accounting. This will help to develop a basic understanding of the various processes and procedures, as well as provide a foundation for advancing your knowledge and expertise.

Must stay up-to-date on the industry and take advantage of any ongoing education options provided. Working with a mentor or experienced bookkeeper paid or volunteer position will help to supply experience and skills. By continuing to grow and refine your knowledge and understanding, you are more likely to be a successful, in-demand bookkeeper.

The world of bookkeeping is always changing, so you must stay up-to-date on new technologies and trends. This will help you advance in your career and become even more valuable.

Follow These Steps on How to Be Entry Level Bookkeeper Today

Starting as an entry-level bookkeeper can be a lucrative career if you have the right qualifications. Get started by getting an education and being certified.

Find a company that can train you, consider freelancing, stay organized, and expand your knowledge. Take the first step now to start building a future in bookkeeping.

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