Indonesia Pledges to Broaden its Development Cooperation in Namibia


The Indonesian Ambassador to Namibia, Wisnu Edi Pratignyo, expressed the firm dedication of the Indonesian Government to enhance ties with nations in the African region. He conveyed this sentiment during a meeting with Ambassador Sabine-Moller, the Director of Bilateral Affairs at the Namibian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and George Fedha, the Director of the World Food Program (WFP) of the UN for Namibia, on Monday (29/1).

In the meeting, Ambassador Wisnu Edi Pratignyo disclosed that Indonesia is set to organize the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum as a tangible demonstration of this commitment. He stated, “In the upcoming period, Indonesia will host the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum, signifying a practical step in enhancing relations with Africa. The Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek is prepared to broaden areas of development cooperation with Namibia, encompassing agriculture, fisheries, and education,” emphasized Ambassador Wisnu.

The Namibian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and WFP warmly embraced Indonesia’s proposal for development cooperation, expressing a positive response. They both appreciated the prospects for collaboration, especially in the agricultural sector. This cooperative effort is anticipated to enhance the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Namibia and make significant contributions to the economic development and well-being of both nations.

This gathering represents a strategic move for Indonesia to strengthen collaborations with African nations, focusing on crucial sectors like agriculture, fisheries, and education. The upcoming 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum is anticipated to serve as an effective platform for intensifying cooperation and nurturing stronger ties between Indonesia and African countries.