Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy: What Every Mother Should Know


Did you know that maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of your child developing diabetes or heart disease later in life?

While many people think that simply doubling food intake is essential during this period, the reality is that the quality of food matters far more than the quantity. In this article, we’ll provide practical tips to help you make healthier choices during this crucial stage of life.


  1. Choose a mix of healthy foods you enjoy from each food group, including whole fruits, veggies, whole grains, proteins, low-fat dairy, and oils. {2}
  2. Get the right amount of calories taking into account that your needs will change during your pregnancy. Consult your doctor for personalized guidance on your calorie intake and weight gain during pregnancy. {2}
  3. Make sure you get enough nutrients, such as folic acid, iron, iodine, and choline, because they are important for the baby’s brain development. {2}
  4. Eat seafood that’s high in healthy fats but lower in mercury. {2}
  5. Stay away from:
  • Uncooked and undercooked fish or shellfish
  • Raw or rare meats, poultry, or eggs
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, or cheese
  • Prepared meat or seafood salads
  • Raw sprouts
  • Alcohol


  1. Limit drinks with caffeine and added sugars. Drink plain water instead.  {2}
  2. Avoid foods that are past their ‘use-by’ dates or have not been stored properly. If you have any doubts about the safety of a specific food item, it’s best not to consume it. {3}
  3. When getting food ready, it’s important to follow these guidelines:
  • Thaw frozen meats, particularly poultry, in the refrigerator or microwave.
  • Always wash your hands before cooking and eating.
  • Use separate cutting boards for vegetables and meats.
  • Clean surfaces, cutting boards, and utensils with hot, soapy water.
  • Replace dishcloths often; a bad odour indicates potential contamination.
  • Ensure all food is cooked completely.
  • Reheat leftovers to at least 60° Celsius until they are steaming hot.


  1. Make an effort to eat a nutritious breakfast each day, as it can help you steer clear of high-fat and sugary snacks. {4}

In conclusion, with a little planning and some fun food choices, you can enjoy your pregnancy while ensuring your baby gets the best nutrition.


  1. tommys-your-guide-to-a-healthy-diet-in-pregnancyMay2020.pdf
  2. Eat Healthy During Pregnancy: Quick tips – MyHealthfinder |
  3. Healthy diet during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby (
  4. Have a healthy diet in pregnancy – NHS (