The 10 Most Successful Businesswomen to Watch, 2021

Maureen Gallagher: A Well-Rounded Leader Inspiring Industry Professionals

Maureen Gallagher: A Well-Rounded Leader Inspiring Industry Professionals

We all know that change is constant, and it is always wiser to adapt to the changing times. Often, it is difficult to break the mold that has been implied for decades. Women,

Issue Profiles

Bridget Jones: Driving a Visionary Change to Recreate a Better World

Bridget Jones: Driving a Visionary Change to Recreate a Better World

The person who has visionary ideas can lay a strong foundation for a necessary change

Kathy Bloomgarden: Helping Businesses Uncover their Stories in a Compelling Way

Kathy Bloomgarden: Helping Businesses Uncover their Stories in a Compelling Way

Women are making great strides in leadership roles and taking their businesses to new heights.

Sophie Milliken: Helping Graduates and Recruiters Make the Right Choice

Sophie Milliken: Helping Graduates and Recruiters Make the Right Choice

By assessing over 35,000 university students and helping employers screen over 100,000 candidates for their