Although only five hamster species are commonly kept as pets, there are more than 20 hamster species around the world. Let’s unveil the special characteristics of these furry friends. (1)
Physical Characteristics
Hamsters, with their small furry ears, short chunky legs, and wide feet, have strong bodies, with tails much shorter than their body length. (2)
Depending on the species, their fur ranges from grayish to reddish brown, and their underparts range from white to shades of gray and black. (2)
Moreover, hamsters vary in size, with Dwarf desert hamsters being the smallest, having a body length of 5 to 10 cm, while the largest is the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus), which can reach up to 34 cm long, excluding its tail that can reach up to 6 cm. (2)
Another characteristic of hamsters is their cheek pouches, which spread along both sides of their head and neck to their shoulders. These pouches help wild hamsters gather food and bring it back to their burrows. (3)
They also have dark spots within their hairy coats, which are actually glands that help them mark their territory. (3)
Social Characteristics
Generally, hamsters are nocturnal creatures, which means they sleep during the day and get active at night. (4)
Hamsters differ in their social abilities. Some hamster species are extremely social, exemplified by Dwarf hamsters, who are very friendly and like to have company in the cage when kept as pets. (4)
On the other hand, Syrian hamsters, for instance, are very territorial and do not like to be around other hamsters, despite being very friendly and tame towards humans. (4) (5)
Sight, Smell, and Hearing Characteristics
Because of their poor eyesight, hamsters often use their whiskers and noses to map their surroundings. They can only see movement and distinguish between dark and light, so your hamster is unlikely to recognize your face but it will certainly identify your smell. Hamsters also have good hearing, so any movement, no matter how quiet, will alert them to your presence. (5)
(1) Hamsters: From the Wild to Your Bedroom (
(2) Hamster | Facts & Breeds | Britannica
(3) Description and Physical Characteristics of Hamsters – All Other Pets – Merck Veterinary Manual (
(4) Hamsters: Diet, habits & types | Live Science
(5) Top 10 Pet Hamsters, Their Colors and Special Characteristics (