Vincenzo Decaria: Creating Culinary Magic, One Plate at a Time

Vincenzo Decaria | Director of Restaurants JEAN-GEORGES MANAGEMENT
Vincenzo Decaria | Director of Restaurants JEAN-GEORGES MANAGEMENT

A luminary who orchestrates and experiences with finesse is one who has a deep understanding of food and how to create delicious and memorable dining experiences. They have a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for the nuances of flavor. They are also skilled at creating a sense of theatre and excitement around food, making it more than just a meal, but an event.

The one-of-a-kind global dining scene is adorned by Jean-Georges Management, an esteemed restaurant group that transcends borders. Vincenzo Decaria stands as the Director of Restaurants, steering this culinary voyage.

Jean-Georges Management, an epitome of excellence, flourishes under Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s visionary mantle. Here, a realm of bespoke hospitality and culinary brilliance unfurls, epitomized by over 60 restaurants in 13 countries. Vincenzo leads, nurturing talents and fostering growth within a realm where innovation thrives.

Bridging traditions and innovation, Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s legacy paints a remarkable culinary odyssey. Vincenzo’s directorship propels this pioneering spirit, redefining culinary norms and enhancing the dining experience. In a world where flavors become stories, Vincenzo’s role amplifies the culinary narrative by Jean-Georges Management.

Let’s explore how passion, creativity and flavors intertwine to redefine dining experiences through Vincenzo’s journey!

Can you share the story behind the inception of Jean-Georges Management and how Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s culinary vision has shaped the success of the restaurant group?

Chef Jean-Georges’ culinary vision is hard to explain in a concept since he has been inspired by his travels in Europe and Asia. You can see classic French techniques but his culinary vision is truly a blend of using local and seasonal ingredients, incorporating spice, acidity and more. He is constantly evolving and trying new things and I believe this is the key to his success.

With over 60 restaurants in 13 countries, how do you maintain consistency in the culinary and hospitality experience across such a diverse global presence?

We are in constant communication with our properties, each seasonal menu change is fully overviewed by our culinary team and we constantly provide training documents and in-person sessions to ensure standards are well maintained.

Jean-Georges Management emphasizes cultivating talent and rewarding professionals. How do you support the growth and development of your culinary and hospitality team members within the constantly evolving industry?

As leaders of this company, we consider ourselves successful if the people around us are succeeding. These are a key elements for us to mentor and coach our staff on a daily basis, especially after the pandemic we had to review many aspects of our industry and only being open to changes and challenging ourselves has led and will lead to a constant growth.

Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s signature cuisine is known for its intense flavors and textures. How do you ensure the quality and uniqueness of these culinary offerings in each of your restaurants?

The growth of the company was gradual and for us consistency is key. We are dedicated to ensuring our standards are in place. The creative part is always coming always comes from a lot of research and tastings as well as from our trips. Every time we visit one of our properties we always like to go to the local market or meet the farmers from the area to get inspired and be sure we only present the best to our guests.

The restaurant industry has faced challenges, especially during the pandemic. How did Jean-Georges Management navigate these challenges and adapt its operations to ensure the continued success of the restaurant group?

That was a tragic time and it was very hard for us to reinvent ourselves but we realized that the only way to survive was to rapidly adjust to the new reality. We made even more effort to stay in communication with our regular guests and found ways to offer them the experiences they’re used to, but in different circumstances. They are the people who have helped us get to where we are today and who supported us during this time.

We then thought about our staff and we did our best to keep as many of them as possible and we persisted in keeping our operations busy as much as possible. Overall, the key was to adapt ourselves to the constant evolutions of the pandemic until after a while we were able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As an influential leader in the hospitality industry, what innovative strategies have you implemented to stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving preferences of your guests?

At Jean Georges management we are very service-oriented, we believe in constant training so we have an overview of the internal activities of each restaurant on a daily base so we are aware of which goals each team has for a specific time.

We also maintain a constant relationship with our guests and we accept any feedback with positivity. If guests have a positive or negative experience, we are sure to acknowledge the feedback in the best way, thank them for the feedback and take it into consideration for the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

With a reputation for tailored hospitality, can you share some insights into the company’s approach to ensuring exceptional service and guest satisfaction?

We truly believe that a good service is always a combination of multiple aspects so it is not related to a single element.

Starting from the location to light, music & overall atmosphere, it all falls on the people and our staff. We want every team member to be hospitable and knowledgeable but not pretentious and have a genuine interest towards the guest’s experience.

As the Director of JEAN-GEORGES, what are your top priorities for the future of the restaurant group and how do you plan to continue revolutionizing the culinary landscape?

We believe that consistency is the key to the success of our group and that is why everything we do on a daily base is about maintaining or improving our guests’ experience. We want to be sure that our teams are constantly motivated and excited to do their work. This is why we always give them new goals to achieve and new ideas or projects to keep them fully involved in what they do.

The Jean Georges group is constantly growing and the key is to be curious and open-minded, we challenge ourselves every time and are always eager to impress any of our guests in all of our restaurants worldwide.

In the constantly evolving hospitality industry, what advice would you give to aspiring leaders looking to make their mark and redefine industry standards?

As a leader I always consider myself successful if the people around me are succeeding, I truly believe that a good team is the key to success.

Make your team happy and motivated to come to work, always be a point of contact for them and never be tired of mentoring & coaching the staff—they are the future of what we do every day.