In an interview with CIO Look, vtenext emphasizes on its contribution, made as a company, in the evolution of tech sector. Under the guidance of Davide Bonamini & Davide Giarolo, the company has achieved many milestones en route to success. Being Chief Executive Officers of the company, their aim was to create an Enterprise Open Source CRM solutions based in Europe and soon attained the desired goals.
CIO LOOK admire and appreciates such oraganizations commitment towards their goals and takes pride in featuring vtenext in its special edition, “Best in Class CRM Solution Providers in 2019.”
Below are the highlights of the interview:
What led to the inception of the company?
The project is based on our CRM open source solution vtecrm. This was used in Rexroth Bosch Group to manage their CRM opportunities. As, this company also was implementing the process management philosophy, the Rexroth CEO decided to support us to introduce into vtecrm the BPM (business process management) engine.
In this way, all the CRM processes are able to be managed easily, giving to the users the possibility driven by tasks and, at the same time, to use the data collected into the CRM to manage their tasks. By the fusion of CRM and BPM logics in our open source technology we created vtenext. The first Open Source Process Driven CRM available into the market.
How do you diversify the organization’s offerings to appeal the target audience?
Our offerings start from the vtenext community edition (CE). Everyone can download the application from the community project page and start to manage their CRM processes. For the company, that wants to receive business services such as—technical support, automatic bugs fixing, consultant support, extra features, we provide many kind of solutions:
- vtenext on premise solution, based on range of users: For this solution we have also the unlimited version for big companies that don’t want to have limit on creating new users. The license fee is fixed.
- vtenext private cloud: this is a solution that mix cloud services and on premise benefits. The customer buys the on premise solution and hosts the application on our data centers. Our virtual machine are tailored based on the customer requests and needs. We support the customer on managing the application and also the virtual machine.
- vtenext cloud services: this is the quickest solution to start up the project, the customer can choose to change the number of users every time. We manage all the application and the related services. For the cloud we have also the HR (high reliability) version. This permits to reduce the SLA Time guaranteed of the cloud services less of 99%.
On what principles your organization is based on?
Our structure is very streamlined, with few hierarchical levels and the development of decision-making autonomy. We try to create a creative environment where the goals are at the center. In the same way we try to offer the customer products-services with the best value for money. The technology must be easily accessible. Customers must already make the effort to change their organizational culture. We facilitate them with solutions that are easy to implement and test. Without bleeding and with the possibility of being scaled over time.
Give a detailed description on how the current CEO influenced the company to grow promptly.
We believe that CRM as a thinking strategy has highlighted the organizational shortcomings of companies. On the one hand, because very often the processes are not studied putting the customer at the center, on the other because the customer is increasingly demanding. To grow quickly, keeping up with customer demands, we need to adopt processbased customer management logics. Vtenext believes in this model and has embarked on a push towards the adoption of CRM processes also internally. In this way the whole organization moves in a coordinated way towards customer satisfaction, is monitored and corrected. All this creates a virtuous circuit that can also be proposed as a model for our vtenext customers.
As per your opinion, what roadblocks or challenges are faced by organizations in a corporate business? And what is your organization’s advice to overcome them?
As Gartner says, the majority of the organizations are splitted into different silos. The CRM projects are on consequence implemented into these silos (for example marketing, sales, customer service departments) and it’s normal to find companies with many CRM installed that are not integrated between them. The real problem is the customer processes are cross department. The customer don’t care if we are arranged by silos, they wants to satisfy their needs, as soon as possible. So vtenext give to the companies to work on a new logic, the customer processes. We don’t care if the customer has already a CRM solution installed, we integrate that solution (for example Salesforce is already integrated) and spread the customer process logic to all the organization. Using calendar tasks, pop-ups, vtenext interfaces. If a person has to manage a task of the process, this person has the right to access to the CRM.
What marketing activities do you implement to reach out to your potential customers?
Our main sponsor is the open source community. We has been nominated as “project of the month” for September, 2019 by the community of Sourceforge. Also we arrange a lot of physical and online seminar just to spread the customer processes mentality into the organizations. Our slogan is “kill the silos mentality”.
How does the company cope with the volatile technological trends to boost its growth?
We think that the only way is to work on processes. When we start seeing the customer processes we started to move our focus on the customers, if and only if we are able to implement.
What are Vtenext’s future goals? And what measures are you undertaking to achieve those goals?
On the subject of processes, we are launching a vtenext upgrade on the market that will allow customers to selfanalyze processes. In this way the process of implementing the processes becomes much simpler. The most delicate phase for a customer is always the analysis of its processes. Only an effective mapping becomes the fulcrum for the development of a CRM process driven logic. We will then be able to offer the customer precise digital processes and then make them operational. We count that in this way, with the use of machine learning and process mining technology, we can halve the implementation time. The interesting thing is that the self-analysis system allows to operate also with other CRM platforms. We have no problem working on pre-existing CRMs. We simply improve them.