Why is My Laptop’s Sound Low? Solutions and Fixes


If you are experiencing issues with your laptop sound, here are a few reasons that may be causing that problem, as well as some resolutions to help you restore your laptop volume level:

Reasons for low sound quality on laptops

There are many reasons that maybe causing the sound problem on your laptop including: (1)

  • A software bug
  • Physical sound card issue
  • Incorrect setting
  • Driver problem
  • A hardware problem

5 ways to make your laptop sound better

Here are 5 fixes you can try to enhance your poor laptop sound:

1. Try a different audio device

One of the most common problems is that the audio device you are using is damaged, so depending on the device, whether it is speakers, earphones or headphones, try using a different one and check if there is a difference in the sound quality. (2)

2. Enable loudness equalization

Loudness equalization is a built-in feature offered by Windows to increase your laptop’s volume output. To enable this feature, you need to: (2)

  • Right-click on the sound icon in the taskbar and select Sound.
  • Switch to the Playback tab and identify your default audio device.
  • Click on your default audio device and press Enter to open its properties.
  • Click on the Enhancements tab. Check the box beside Loudness Equalization.
  • press OK to save changes and exit.

3. Run the audio troubleshooter

The audio troubleshooter is designed to fix any audio problems automatically. In order to run the audio troubleshooter, follow these steps: (3)

  • Click Search in the taskbar, then type audio troubleshooter
  • Select Find and fix problems with playing sound to launch the troubleshooter
  • Select Next, then select the device you want to troubleshoot
  • Continue through the troubleshooter steps to fix the problem

4. Check the mute button

Laptops often have a mute button that you may have pushed by accident, to check it click the speaker icon in the system tray and remove the X if there are any. You can also use the mute button or the function key shortcut if your laptop has one. (4)

5. Disable audio enhancement

Although not many laptops have them and they are not one of the common reasons for volume problems, audio enhancement could be an easy fix. To turn them off, follow these steps: (4)

  • Navigate to your control panel
  • Choose hardware and sound, then sound
  • From the playback tab, right-click your speaker device, and select Properties.
  • Select the enhancements tab, and check the disable all enhancements box.


(1)  Laptop Volume is Low? 9 Quick Fixes (windowsreport.com)

(2)  7 Ways to Fix Low Volume in Windows 10 (makeuseof.com)

(3)  Fix sound or audio problems in Windows – Microsoft Support

(4)  9 Ways to Fix It When Laptop Speakers Are Not Working (lifewire.com)