Women in Tech 2019

Disa Lee Choun: Using Technology to Improve Healthcare Services

Disa Lee Choun: Using Technology to Improve Healthcare Services

Women comprise half of the world population and their contribution in every sector is essential for the overall development. Technology reduces the barriers and offers women solid opportunity to grow. Better representation of women

Issue Profiles

Rupal Asodaria: On a Verge to Create a Difference

Rupal Asodaria: On a Verge to Create a Difference

It takes strong determination and courage to come up with a new venture that might and have created

Kristina Villarini: Reforming a Case for Equality

Kristina Villarini: Reforming a Case for Equality

Our civil rights are the bindings that allow us to have political and social freedoms. When

Victoria Shanks: Driving Financial Services Technology across Industries

Victoria Shanks: Driving Financial Services Technology across Industries

The Myth of Meritocracy has been practiced since the early ages of civilization. Being rewarded for

Lora Haddock: A Unique Approach for Right Cause

Lora Haddock: A Unique Approach for Right Cause

In an interview conducted by CIO LOOK, Lora Haddock—Founder & CEO, Lora DiCarlo exemplifies how she

Limor Sinay: Transforming Leadership through Tech

Limor Sinay: Transforming Leadership through Tech

Since the beginning of the 20th century, technologies have acquired a growing relevance in modern societies.

Elizabeth Scott: Empowered and Exemplary Leader in Technology

Elizabeth Scott: Empowered and Exemplary Leader in Technology

Technology-based organizations need, more than ever, women's talents, skills, abilities, and their valuable contribution. Women in

Avril Chester: Passionate about Utilizing Technology for Good

Avril Chester: Passionate about Utilizing Technology for Good

Technology if utilized properly has the potential to create the positive impact in the lives of many people.

Amber Schroader: An Accomplished Innovative Developer

Amber Schroader: An Accomplished Innovative Developer

Entrepreneurs with a touch of innovation are rarely to be witnessed in today’s scenario. Integrating technological innovations