World’s Tallest Building Burj Khalifa turned into COVID-19 Charity Box

World’s Tallest Building Burj Khalifa turned into COVID-19 Charity Box

According the reports, the world-renowned tallest building, Burj Khalifa—Dubai’s 828 metre has converted into a Covid-19 donation box.

It is raising monetary assets for food UAE residents who are facing and suffering economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dubai’s economy has been struck hard by the coronavirus, due to the region’s tourism and business hub with the busiest international airport, globally.

Tower’s 1.2 million external lights were sold for 10 dirhams i.e. $2.70, which is used to buy one meal. Moreover, people also bid in order to place their contribution by buying the light at the top.

Currently, most of the people have lost jobs and earning less than they were used. Many of the migrant workers who resides in the crowded accommodation where the spreading of virus is at its peak.

“Hope you have a good solid meal. We take things for granted but life has a way of teaching us how to wake up,” says donor Shereen Harris in a public comment on the campaign’s website. The reports suggested that UAE has about 19,661 recorded cases of COVID-19 including the 203 deaths, which is the 2nd highest death toll behind Saudi Arabia of the six Gulf States. The donation box has 1.2 million meals so far, stated by The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI).

The fundraising was a bit of a campaign where the MBRGI will be funding 10 million meals for low-income families during the Ramadan largely celebrated by Muslims globally.

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