In the next 100 days, a new AI project will Discover and Investigate 100 use cases


School counsellors might delegate repetitive duties and create thorough case notes more quickly with generative artificial intelligence (AI), freeing up time for lengthier, more in-depth counselling sessions with pupils.

Additionally, technologies that can effectively match job searchers to prospective business requirements would speed up recruitment. Workers may receive more tailored career and training recommendations.

These are just a few examples of the AI solutions that businesses may develop under the AI Trailblazers project, which was unveiled on Monday.

The Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI), Digital Industry Singapore, the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO), and Google Cloud launched the programme. Digital Industry Singapore is an office that oversees the development of the tech sector in this country.

“Innovation sandboxes” will allow enterprises and government organisations free access to Google Cloud’s AI toolkits for up to three months.

High-performance graphics processing units are included in the sandboxes, one for the public sector and the other for businesses, to support heavy-duty computation while training AI and software like pre-trained generative AI models.

Participating businesses’ AI developers are required to attend a full-day training programme where they collaborate with Google Cloud experts to find possible applications for generative AI.

They subsequently create a prototype and a minimum viable product (MVP) over the course of three months using AI tools from the innovation sandbox.

At the conclusion of the year, participating companies will also get the chance to showcase their MVPs in front of a panel of technical experts as well as other users from the public and private sectors. A prize will be given out at an AI Trailblazers Awards ceremony later in the year to the items with the most potential.