Jeff Roscher: Embarking upon the Horizons with Sheer Excellence

Jeff Roscher
Jeff Roscher

Being tech-savvy with an intense curiosity to explore the facets of technology, the charismatic Jeff Roscher became a self-taught entrepreneur by continuing to learn on his own. Jeff’s love for technology has been since childhood. Through a combination of his father’s teachings and his mother’s drive, Jeff’s passion for learning and utilizing computer technology has only grown over time and shows no signs of slowing down.

Following college, Jeff secured a position as a Senior Systems Analyst at one of New Jersey’s largest pharmaceutical firms. While he enjoyed the job, he felt like his creative abilities were not being utilized and that the sense of fulfillment derived from witnessing his services in use was somewhat lacking. With a desire to apply his technical abilities to help others, Jeff conducted thorough research and brainstormed a variety of ideas with his brother Brian, who held similar aspirations and joined forces with Jeff.

Brian and Jeff are tech-savvy entrepreneurs who abandoned their highly lucrative positions at well-known pharmaceutical firms to help small businesses manage their maintenance operations.

Their goal was to help level the playing field for these businesses in their competition against larger corporations. They recognized that the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) they had developed was valuable throughout all industries but was predominantly controlled by large corporations with exorbitant prices.

Their decision was motivated by a sense of morality and doing what they believed was the right thing to do, which ultimately made them feel good, not only in terms of business but also from an ethical standpoint. Their passion for this business has not faded even after 25 years, and we are still enjoying the journey.

Although establishing their first solution was significant, Jeff still felt unfulfilled. This was primarily because they were targeting a niche market, and Jeff desired more direct interaction with end customers. After extensive research and conversations with others, Jeff and Brian set out to develop Information Professionals, Inc. (eWorkOrdersComputerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software.)

The primary goal of eWorkOrders was to help businesses of any size in managing their maintenance operations with its cutting-edge software. However, when they began to market computerized maintenance management software, they quickly recognized that locally installed software came with a significant overhead cost and required compatibility with various operating systems and databases, making it unattainable for small to mid-sized companies.

As a result, they chose to establish their own servers and offer eWorkOrders as a subscription-based service over the internet. Their rationale was to enable all businesses to leverage their solution while simultaneously simplifying their operations by avoiding the need to contend with the IT requirements of individual customers. Their focus on developing top-of-the-line maintenance management software has positioned them as a premier industry leader, with customers continually providing 5-Star ratings.

In this exclusive interview with CIOLook, Jeff shared significant facts highlighting his professional tenure, his journey, and the significance of Information Professionals, Inc. (eWorkOrders CMMS).

Below are the excerpts from the interview:

Tell us something more about your company and its mission and vision.

My mission and vision centers around ensuring customer success and delivering top-notch yet affordable maintenance software solutions to help professionals work smarter and more efficiently.

Brian and I are both very dedicated to constantly improving and streamlining the eWorkOrders software to provide a user-friendly platform that meets the needs of current and future customers. Since the 1990s, we have set up thousands of customers and thoroughly enjoy what we are doing.

Enlighten us on the impact that you have made with your work through your expertise in the market.

Brian and I built the CMMS software from the ground up, taking into account all of our customers’ input and suggestions. Our commitment to customer satisfaction has led us to constantly refine and improve the eWorkOrders software, resulting in a user-friendly and efficient platform for businesses of all sizes.

By setting up our own servers and offering the system as a subscription through the internet, we have made it easier for businesses to benefit from our software without the need for large upfront investments or the overhead costs of locally installed software. Our work has not only saved time and money for businesses, but it has also improved the quality of maintenance operations across a range of industries. One customer, in particular, stands out.

That customer is part of a large multinational. By using eWorkOrders, they were able to analyze and improve their operations dramatically. eWorkOrders helped identify workers that weren’t trained properly, which caused much higher maintenance expenses for one of their production lines.

After providing more training to operators on the line, maintenance costs dropped significantly at this plant, and product pricing from all their products was reduced. These price reductions led to the customer increasing their market share dramatically and becoming much more profitable.

Through my years of experience and commitment to excellence, I am proud to have made a meaningful contribution to the field of maintenance management and to have delivered the best maintenance management solutions to professionals, making their lives easier and their companies more competitive.

Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drives your organization.

Our organization is driven by a set of core values that guide us in our day-to-day operations. We are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our work, from the quality of our software products to the level of customer service we provide. Our team is passionate about innovation and continuously improving our technology solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. We foster an environment of teamwork and collaboration, where each member is valued for their unique skills and contributions. Our work culture is characterized by a strong work ethic and a dedication to customer success, which is reflected in the consistently high ratings we receive from our satisfied customers. We also value work-life balance and strive to create a flexible and supportive work environment for our employees. We believe that our success as an organization is tied to the well-being and satisfaction of our employees, and we work hard to ensure that they feel valued and supported.

Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you leveraging technological advancements to make your solutions resourceful?

Leveraging our cloud-based computing technology is the key we make our solution more resourceful at eWorkOrders. By hosting our maintenance management software in the cloud, we are able to offer a more flexible and scalable solution that can adapt to the changing needs of our customers.

Cloud computing also enables us to offer real-time access to data and analytics, making it easier for our customers to track their maintenance activities and make informed decisions. Additionally, by hosting our software on the cloud, we are able to reduce the overhead costs associated with maintaining and updating locally installed software, which ultimately makes our solution more affordable and accessible to businesses of all sizes.

What change would you like to bring to the business development & IT industry if given a chance?

My vision for the technology industry is to see the continued development of transformative technologies, including AI, IoT, cloud computing, and 5G. I feel that the combination of these technologies will enable solutions for augmented, hybrid, and remote working, making better business decisions, and automation of workloads.

Integrating these technologies will further enhance each other, creating “intelligent enterprises” that complete tasks in the most efficient way possible. As these new technologies advance, they will impact businesses and industries, resulting in more effective sales and marketing, better customer service, efficient supply chains, aligned products and services with customer needs, and streamlined manufacturing processes.

Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, and what are your future goals for your company?

Although the idea of sitting on the beach sounds appealing, I cannot imagine myself not being involved in the world of technology. As a proud father of twin boys, my wife and I make it a point to instill in them the value of education and the importance of staying updated with technological advancements.

To achieve a work-life balance, I aim to delegate responsibilities and seek out opportunities to integrate new technologies into my current business. By hiring someone who shares my passion for technology, I hope to efficiently manage my current operations while exploring new ventures and advancements that could complement my existing business.

What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the technology sector?

There are a few important considerations if you want to get involved with cloud-based technologies. Having a solid foundation of knowledge and comprehension of the cloud computing sector and its range of technologies is important. This can be accomplished through self-education, attending relevant courses, and seeking out industry experts to learn from.

In order to keep your organization competitive and relevant, it’s important to remain current with the newest trends and advancements in cloud computing. By networking with other business people in the field, going to conferences, and consistently doing market research, this can be accomplished.

Ultimately, embrace innovation and don’t be scared to take chances. The cloud computing industry is constantly evolving, and the most successful entrepreneurs are those who are willing to adapt to new trends and technologies. Yet, it’s equally important to maintain a balance between work and home life because losing motivation and productivity might result from burnout.