Reveal Group: Transforming Businesses for Good

Ian Crouch | CEO & Co-founder | Reveal Group
Ian Crouch | CEO & Co-founder | Reveal Group

With a mission to help clients accelerate their transformation programs by applying best-of-breed technologies, Reveal Group was founded back in 2005. The group’s focus on enabling operational excellence and workforce optimization eventually led it to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in 2014. Reveal Group’s early RPA engagements convinced them of the need to establish partnership with cutting-edge technologies to enable scalability and sustainability. While RPA is often bandied about as easy to implement in small settings, implementing a program at scale requires fit-for purpose infrastructure as well as experienced management and strong governance standards.

Helping clients achieve this foundation from the outset enables future scalability and self-sufficiency, the hallmark of Reveal Group’s business model today.

The Specialists in Robotic Process Automation Reveal Group specializes in RPA and Intelligent Automation (IA) technologies. The firm’s business model is predicated on helping clients achieve operational excellence through automation. A critical tenet of this approach is enabling clients to develop their own internal capabilities to drive ongoing benefits sustainably and independently. Blue Prism is Reveal Group’s technology change agent of choice, since forming a strong partnership in 2014. Despite Reveal Group’s modest size (100 employees) in comparison with some of the firms also competing in the space, it is consistently ranked as as one of Blue Prism’s largest, most successful global partners, working with clients around the world. Core Values Reveal Group is driven by core values that guide their business, developments and partnerships. As the organization continues to grow and evolve, these three values remain constant.

  • Innovation: Reveal Group encourages bold, imaginative and dynamic ideas, relentlessly challenging itself to bring clients breakthrough results. They value taking risks, inspiring creativity, and learning from its outcomes.
  • Collaboration: The Reveal Group team empower each other to make change and unleash new potential in an environment built on openness and trust. It has fostered a vibrant, trusting, and sociable culture, where doors and learning are always open. It is a critical tenant of the organizations success to share and collaborate in order to achieve the ultimate outcomes for clients.
  • Integrity: Honesty, openness and respect are fundamental to Reveal Group’s success and integral to the way it operates. The passion for the work it does and pride in its outcomes solidifies the importance Reveal Group places on its clients.
  • Excellence: Their reputation for delivering world-class outcomes inspires us them be the best. Reveal Group set standards high so they can exceed expectations and strive for the best results for their clients.

The Farsighted Leader 

Before founding Reveal Group in 2005, Ian Crouch, CEO and cofounder of the organization served at the most senior levels of the financial services industry and is responsible for growing Reveal Group into the leading specialist consultancy it is today. Crouch served as the CIO at National Australia Bank and as the Vice President of EDS, A.T. Kearney, Booz Allen, and Hamilton. The experience gained at these organizations highlighted a gap in the market, one that over the past decade he has worked to fill with Reveal Group.

Strategizing for Success Amidst Volatile Technological Changes 

Reveal Group has made a conscious decision to leverage RPA as a gateway technology to enable clients on the journeys to optimize business operations and eventual digital transformation. The firm’s strong technical and architecture chops combined with its approach of enabling clients to build and run their own automation environments helps yield effective baseline automation programs. Horses For Sources (HfS) Research has seen many automation programs stalled by perpetual POCs, lack of internal talent cultivation, limited governance, weak change management, poor demand management, and minimal benefits tracking. Reveal Group knows that mitigating these pitfalls requires enterprises to establish and run robust automation operating models; otherwise, the programs will wither once the implementation partner leaves. Reveal Group brings the benefit of its pure-play experience with RPA, including an array of accelerators in its cache of internal IP, and post-departure health check capabilities to get enterprises on the right track and keep them there. While Reveal Group has built its reputation as a Blue Prism specialist, as it expands its geographic footprint, it will increasingly encounter clients with other or multi-vendor RPA environments. Reveal has already inked partnerships with TrustPortal and UiPath to support a wholistic approach to the RPA space for clients going forward.

What’s in Store? 

Reveal Group’s plans for 2019 and beyond include relocating its headquarters to New York with a continued operational focus on expanding its practices across North American, Australia and beyond. The firm will also expand on its stature as a certified Blue Prism partner, as well as building out it’s UiPath practice in line with the renowned Robotic Operating Model it already offers.