The 10 Most Innovative CEOs Revamping the Future

Fred d’Alessandro – Redefining the Benchmarks of Leadership
Innovation is a tide that presents change—not as I something that may drown but as something which teaches one to swim with or against the tide, and if handled correctly,
Issue Profiles

ELLEN VOIE – Leading Women towards the Future of Trucking Business
The future of business is uncertain, and it is evident, as we have observed it

Marc Rippen – Committed to Transforming Lives
It depends on every individual on how they come up with a solution to the

Rob Leslie – An Established Leader in the Technology Arena
From the first television set to augmented reality, from a chamber orchestra to music production

Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Shipping
Shipping is an industry that never settles. Major parameters are changing randomly over time, parameters

Redefining Female Leadership
- by Lyn Ola, Founder and CEO, Chimes Consulting Girl, girl, girl For many reading

- By Ángela Álvarez, Founder & CEO Aglaia Capital It is said that the growth

The Human Era in a Digital World
- By Maria Cristina Machado Cortez, Principal and Felipe Sentelhas, Senior Associate at Cortez, Rizzi