World’s Who’s Who Tech Innovation Global Inc. announces a $200 million funding round July 7, 2021 technology.


Tech Innovation Global Incorporated announces a $200 million funding round July 7, 2021 for companies, you can pay today as our technology initiatives 2021 to 2031 in the World’s Who’s Who, edition published every five years.

Go to to invest in companies, Seerletics technology initiatives, sponsor community activities or pay for services. Get access to Joshua Koopman, CEO of Seerletics technologies for solving problems and thousands of genetically human factor performance with service app and you can invest in:

  1. Seerletics fitness app
  2. GenCennect Recruiting
  3. Tech Innovation Global Incorporated

Enviroculture and Agriculture

  1. Travel app-based services and Promotion of Health
  2. Community activities (Museum, Calvary Hill, Libraries)

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated is in collaboration with Sam Crabtree, Elisabeth Sesek, a former Silicon Valley veteran and SCORE Mentor, AWF Law and WinTrio

For to schedule an appointment call 1-(888) 214-1033 for Security.

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated publications and honors include Global Leaders LLC, CIO Magazine, feature in the British Chamber of Commerce and many other prestigious awards.

Tech Innovation Global Incorporated founder Alicia Carroll, an engineer, performed COVID-19 data analysis and face mask recommendations/mandates during the global pandemic National SARS CoV 2 emergency, among the World’s Who’s Who, July 21, 2021, an edition once every five years.  She will be honored for her work.  Alicia Carroll is also nominated for advisor of a foreign chamber.  Tech Innovation Global Incorporated founder Alicia Carroll, an engineer, performed COVID-19 supply capabilities with cross-references to medical supplies including dentistry/podiatry/veterinary/other, training in communicating technical issues, processes to improve implementation of guidelines including face mask mandates. It will feature her success stories, life challenges, emotional upheavals, leadership qualities and represent global collaboration, announce plans to raise $200 million funding for companies and communities 2021 to 2031, despite many odds, in most grandeur form, several coming out triumphant from the world crises while highlighting its pillars.  Tech Innovation Global Incorporated will also feature companies as our goal is app-based services GenConnect recruiting to global workforce solutions, travel, health promotion to vital living and products.

For more information go to Tech Innovation Global Incorporated, 600 Boulevard Ste 104, Huntsville Alabama 35802

Tech Innovation Global Inc. announces a $200 million funding round (Angel/Seed to Venture stages round 1 to 4) in collaboration with companies for technology initiatives during 2021 to 2031 (10 years), you can also pay and go to to sponsor community programs and tech services. ©2019 – 2021. All Rights Reserved.