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MariApps: Providing Digital Direction to the Maritime Industry
From the onset, the digital sector has been transforming the global business landscape on every front.

METIS Cyberspace Technology S.A.: The Most Sought-after Smart Shipping Solution Provider in the Maritime Industry
Competition in the arena of shipping and maritime trade, world-wide environment and trade regulations, and a general

i4sea: Redefining the Benchmarks of Maritime Innovation
I am the vessel. The draft is God’s. And God is the thirsty one. Dag Hammarskjöld,

Arviem AG: Delivering Innovative Maritime Visibility Solutions Worldwide
“A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Longer the chain, more the likelihood of apparent weaknesses

Almaco: Helping Clients Sail through Dynamic Tradewinds
Digitalization is making foray into the maritime industry rigorously in the same way that it was brought

Fred d’Alessandro – Redefining the Benchmarks of Leadership
Innovation is a tide that presents change—not as I something that may drown but as

Rob Leslie – An Established Leader in the Technology Arena
From the first television set to augmented reality, from a chamber orchestra to music production

Marc Rippen – Committed to Transforming Lives
It depends on every individual on how they come up with a solution to the