The 30 Most Influential Business Leaders in Tech 2022

Tim Conroy: Leveraging Technical Expertise and analytics to Improve Financial Health for All
Today, many business leaders believe that data is the most important asset and most valuable resource. Data can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of businesses and help make informed decisions.
Issue Profiles

Angela Alvarez: A Proven Leader in the Corporate Finance Space
It was the mission of mixing traditional Corporate Finance and the Financial industry with the

Carey Smith: A Visionary Trailblazer with Focused Approach
Artificial Intelligence continues to advance through remarkable milestones that can be utilized to change the

Daniel Hofmann: The Visionary IT Whizz
The IT industry worldwide faces continuous challenges in data storage and management, security, rising costs,

Ina Behrendt: Engraining Innovation for the Next Generation
Humankind has come a long way from lighting fire with stones to being a part

Jay Pasteris: The Heart of a Technologist with the Vision to Transform Organizations
As the CIO & CISO at GreenPages Technology Solutions, Jay is responsible for expanding GreenPages’

Kevin Steer: A Pioneering Leader Revolutionizing the Finance Space
He is a prominent name in the finance space. His unconventional approach to the challenges

Kris Rao: Driving Remarkable Shifts in the Transformation Space
True leadership exhibits an inclination towards building a learning culture that enables disrupting the norms

Lily Ley: Driving Business Growth with Adaptive Leadership
The ever-evolving tech sector demands adaptive, flexible leadership that can embrace and navigate disruptive changes.

Nick Miletich: One of a Kind Innovative IT Leader Committed to Delivering the Best SAP Solutions with Technical Expertise and Business Acumen
The modern world needs businesses to be constantly upgraded to serve their clients with evolved

Pat Jerding: A Reliable Leader Pioneering Disruptive Solutions
The digital revolution drives significant change, making itself a new norm of modern times; embracing

Rahul Bhardwaj: Building Security and Privacy Conscious Culture
Information is a tremendous boon when protected in the digital age, but it can be

Rocco Pellegrinelli: Bringing Real Value to Fund Managers with Innovative Solutions
From starting as a portfolio manager to founding Trendrating, Rocco Pellegrinelli, Founder and CEO has

Tim Hardcastle: Leading with Awareness and Innovatively Bridging the Gap in the Insurance Industry
One cannot contribute substantially to the world without extending their horizons. Making a difference in

Zac Schindler: Assisting Clients in Reaching their Business Goals
Many leaders may fall into the classification “jack of all trades,” but only exceptional leaders